94 R … On the organisation of calls On the transfer of resources On data access for tenders Bus depots The Autorité recommends: Change the rate at which calls for tenderThe Autorité invites IDFM to: • that operators provide IDFM with essential are issued • continue its policy of taking over strate-information about their workforce, such as The Autorité recommends that the com-gic but also non-strategic depots in orderthe number of employees, contract types, petitive bidding process be better spreadto reduce any risk of advantage asso-various social benefits, employee expe- out over time (avoid having too many simul-ciated with exclusive ownership of suchrience, seniority and qualifications; taneous lots, for example 4, out of the 39 infrastructure; • that data on the scheduled progress of lots to be competed). • look for any successful bidder is assignedthe Grand Paris project from Société du at least one strategic depot per lot.Grand Paris be shared in real time and as Anticipation of calls for tender by operators open data by IDFM; It is recommended that IDFM organise, suf-Vehicle fleet • that IDFM advertises its own journey plan- ficiently early, the announcement of lotsThe Autorité encourages IDFM to continuener more widely; open to competitive bidding (which requiresto purchase vehicles and recommends that• consolidating the open data real-time the advanced distribution of data on theirit states the number and characteristicstimetable system implemented by IDFM; volume) and that it publishes a six-monthof the vehicles (size, bus or coach, engine• providing sustained open data access to provisional schedule of upcoming calls fortype, etc.) that will be made available to theinformation from the catalogue listing sta- tender. operators which are assigned contracts. Antion services accessible to any operator and inventory should be established with thethe cost of said services. outgoing transport companies. IDFM must ensure the proper provision of the neces-Opinion 20-A-08 of 16 September 2020 sary information. Watch the presentation of the Deputy General Rapporteur in charge of the opinion (in French). 90%OF THE TOWNS IN THE ÎLE-DE-FRANCE(GREATER PARIS) REGION ARE SERVED BYTHE OPTILE NETWORK, I.E. 6 MILLION PEOPLE. T • T R A N S P O R T • T R TROPER LAUNNA 0202 – erutuf evitisop erom a gniretsoF A N S P O