106 2020 key figures Activity report 13* 195 OPINIONS MERGER CONTROL DECISIONS 3 OPINIONS ON REGULATED 234 LEGAL PROFESSIONS 23 decisions and opinions LITIGATION DECISIONS (Anticompetitive practices) * including 3 leniency notices. Ongoing cases Case load (excluding mergers) 300 296 254 250 200 198 180 176 155 168 153 164 162 149 143 150 139 139 132 132 139 129 100 50 0 200320042005200620072008200920102011 2012 2013 20142015 2016 2017 201820192020 Economic sectors Transport Economic sectors in which Healthcare the Autorité intervened the most in 2020, in the context of its litigation 3 Media / and consultative roles. Regulated legal 5 Digital (excluding merger control decisions) professions 3 7 Energy / 3 5 environment Distribution 3 5 Telecoms Agrifood TROPER LAUNNA 0202 – erutuf evitisop erom a gniretsoF