93 OPENING UP TO COMPETITION THE BUS NETWORKS IN ÎLE-DE-FRANCE (GREATER PARIS) REGION Recommendations to improve the system Following a referral by the Île-de-France Transport Trade Association (Île-de-France Mobilités - IDFM), the Autorité issued an opinion on the conditions for opening up the bus networks in 2021 in the middle and outer rings of Greater Paris (OPTILE network) to competition. They had previously been assigned to private transport operators by IDFM by simple appointment. The recommendations, which relate to the organisation of tenders, resource transfers and access to data, aim to strengthen the system already in place. THE BUS NETWORK IN THE MIDDLE AND OUTER RINGS OF GREATER PARIS WILL BE OPEN TO COMPETITION IN 2021 This process of opening up to competition is part of a wider process, resulting from European law, which must lead to the bus network now under a RATP monopoly being opened up to competition. The Law of 8 December 2009 relating to the Organisation and Regulation of Rail Trans- port (ORTF), in application of the European Regulation of 23 October 2007, provides for opening the operation of bus lines to compe- tition. The process of opening up to compe- tition is gradual, with two phases planned:Referral by Île-de-France Mobilités The recommendations made to • in 2021 for the bus lines in the middle andto secure future public service improve the system outer rings of Greater Paris (Optile network),delegation agreements While IDFM has already put in place mea- • in 2025 for the Paris bus network. IDFM considers that when tendering for sures to promote an open process in the concession contracts in the Optile network,context of the competitive tendering of The Optile network brings together all pri-RATP Dev and Keolis could be accused of the Optile network, the Autorité deemed vate passenger transport companies ope- having competitive advantages linked to it relevant to make additional recommen- rating regular bus lines listed in the regionalthe fact that they belong to the RATP anddations concerning the organisation of the transport plan. It has 79 members inclu- SNCF groups respectively. Moreover, in calls for tenders, the transfer of resources ding Keolis and RATP Dev, which are subsi- order to “ensure an open and non-discrimi-and access to data. diaries of the SNCF and RATP respectively. natory procedure”, the Île-de-France Trans- The Optile network lines primarily serve port Trade Association, now Île-de-France … the middle and outer rings of Greater Paris,Mobilités, contacted the Autorité with the representing 90% of municipalities in the aim of “securing future public service dele- region and 6 million residents. gation agreements in the OPTILE network”. ACTIVATING TRANSFORMATION