43 "IN ORDER TO SUCCEED, EVERYONE IN EUROPE WILL due to the rapid spread of bluetongue HAVE TO PLAY THEIR PART - disease and the absence of a call for ten- ders to knowingly mislead the public pro-curement agent about the true logisticalEVERY INDIVIDUAL, EVERY costs of delivering the vaccines carried PUBLIC AUTHORITY. AND THAT by each of them and had therefore com- promised the proper use of public funds" (Decision 18-D-15 of 26 July 2018). INCLUDES COMPETITION The seriousness of the practice may also result from applying sustainable deve-lopment objectives as a pretext for anti- AUTHORITIES." competitive behaviour. The Autorité is also conducting a reflection on whether MARGRETHE VESTAGER the seriousness of an infringement can Executive Vice-President of the European Commission be nuanced when the behaviour adopted can have a positive impact in terms of sustainable development. Supporting engaged stakeholders While the remit of the Autorité is to fullyThat is why it accompanies the economic embrace its enforcement role when facedactors who wish to obtain guidance. At the with behaviour that is detrimental to sus-European level, Executive Vice-President tainable development and qualifies asof the European Commission Margrethe competition law infringement, it is also fullyVestager has stated that the Commission prepared to support virtuous behaviour.was examining how to clarify this point in Like the European Commission, the Autoritéits directives on horizontal agreements is aware that it is not always easy for com-between competitors (Interview, Journal panies to ensure that their agreements doGénéral de l’Europe, Green Deal and Com- not raise issues relating to competition law.petition Policy). Read Margrethe Vestager’s talk, Rethinking a greener and digital economy, p.10. … REINVENTING OUR MEANS OF ACTION