21 Purchasing power is a major concernfor French citizens, especially in timesof crisis. On a competitive market,companies compete for market share,which among other things is reflectedin more attractive prices for consumers.Lower prices andhigher purchasingpowerPressure from competitorsdrives companies to improveQualityand diversitys Companies also benefit as customersand differentiate themselves. of other companies. This benefits theThis is reflected in the quality of economy as a whole, which becomesthe products and services they more efficient.market. Manufacturing quality, pre- and post-sales service performance, delivery times... The result is more choice for consumers, but also for companies, as consumers of intermediate goods. On a competitive market, companiesare driven to innovate so that theycan stand out. Competition is aconstant stimulus for companiesto develop different and sometimesmore efficient business models.It gives opportunity to those whoare forward-looking and comfortablewith risk, and opens up new spacesfor new ideas, new formats andinnovative production processes.This ripple effect contributes togrowth and, in general, to thedynamism of the economy.Innovationat the serviceof growth andemploymentit