87 HIGH COST OF LIVING IN CORSICA Opinion on the level of market concentration in Corsica Following an investigation lasting several months, the Autorité drew up an in-depth diagnosis of the economic concentration in Corsica. Its opinion focuses on four key economic sectors on the island (maritime services, fuel distribution, food distribution and waste management) and makes a wide range of recommendations to the public authorities. EXPERTISE TO INFORM THE GOVERNMENT Having been requested by the Minister of the Economy for an opinion on the compe- titive situation in Corsica, the Autorité was invited in particular to analyse the level of concentration in the Corsican economy and its impact on local competition, and to make recommendations to improve the functioning of competition on markets on recommendations include structural pro- cities may, for example, be due to logistical the island. posals, aimed at giving the Autorité addi-constraints linked to their insularity or the tional investigation powers, and targeted presence of mountain ranges or constraints The Autorité carried out an in-depth inves-proposals, in particular with regard to mari-resulting from the prevalence of tourist acti- tigation spanning 18 months, during which time services and fuel supply to the island.vities in the local economy. is interviewed all of the economic, political, institutional and trade union stakeholders. New specific means It visited the island twice, and held its firstFOR A REFORM OF THE TOOLS The Autorité recommends that the public ever delocalised session of the Board in OF COMPETITION POLICY authorities adopt innovative mechanisms Bastia, which included 2 days of hearings. to ensure that competition policy is tailored The Autorité included in its analysis speci-After examining the various sectors, the to these specificities. fic focuses aimed at assessing the impact Authority considered new legal tools would• Make provision for the Autorité to impose of the Covid-19 crisis on the various sec- make it possible to respond to the competi-remedies in these territories in the event tors studied. tion concerns resulting from a structurallyof substantial competition concerns, even high level of market concentration in cer-in the absence of a dominant position and, At the end of its investigation, the Auto- tain parts of mainland France, including infailing this, issue structural injunctions in rité issued a broad set of recommenda- Corsica. Entire sectors of the economy arethe event of the existence of a dominant tions to the public authorities with a viewaffected by a lack of competition due to the position. to stimulating competition on the island forgeographical and economic characteristics … the benefit of Corsican consumers. These of these territories. These regional specifi- ACTIVATING TRANSFORMATION