16 €1.2B Anticompetitive practices Substantial fines 2020 will remain a landmark year in terms of sanctions: two decisions imposed fines that were among the largest ever handed down by the Autorité. €444M €93M €0.9M 4 ONLINE HORSE DENTAL HAM AND MEDICINAL PRODUCTS APPLE BETTING SURGEONS COLD MEATS AGAINST AMD ELECTRONICS €1.8 WHEREDO THEPROCEEDS 10% DOWNSTREAM? COMPENSATIONPROCEDURES FOR VICTIMSThe victims of anticompetitive practices may rely on the decisions of the Autorité billiard FROM THESE of the group’s to bring an action for damages before FINES GO? worldwide the competent court. For example, the This is the total amount Commercial Court of Paris (Tribunal de of fines handed They are paid to the turnover commerce de Paris) ordered Google to down in 2020. State, they contribute pay more than €1 million in damages to the general budgetThis is the amount of theto Oxone, a company providing directory and therefore helppenalty for infringementsenquiries services, based on the Autorité’s finance expenditureof competition law (Frenchanalysis which had sanctioned Google of general interest.Commercial Code). in 2019 (Commercial Court of Paris (Tribunal de commerce de Paris), 8 ch.,th judgment of 10 February 2021). The decisions mentioned may have been the subject of appeals and counter appeals. This information is available on the website of the Autorité de la concurrence. TROPER LAUNNA 0202 – erutuf evitisop erom a gniretsoF