10E U P … On the same day, we launched a public consultation toThis debate has been prompted by the explosion of identify opportunities to further simplify our processes.work via digital platforms, which has led to new forms We envisage different options to broaden the scope ofof precariousness. And we have launched a reflection the simplified procedure and to streamline the treatmentprocess on the role of competition rules in the fight of simplified and, if possible, non-simplified cases.against climate change and environmental protection. R We are also evaluating the Notice onet, from 1997, which is an important toolrelevant markused both in the area of mergers and in the control ofanticompetitive practices such as cartels or abusesof dominant position. The initial feedback confirmsthe definition ofEI will address this process in more detail in anotherquestion. Finally, in the area of state aid, we are alsoin the process of revising many of the guidelines.We have recently adopted the guidelines on regionalstate aid, which aim to ensure that Member States that the fundamental principles set out in the Noticesupport the less developed regions of Europe in order are sound, but that, given its age, the Notice could doto reduce disparities in economic development, income with an update, to reflect changing market realitiesand employment. Protecting cohesion between Europe’s and our application practices. Such an update wouldregions is at the heart of our Union. Some regions, which ensure that the Notice provides up-to-date and adequateare more affected than others by the ecological transition guidance on how we define markets in practice.or by depopulation, will be able to receive support. As regards our antitrust rules, we are continuingAs such, these guidelines will contribute to the ecological our examination of the rules of exemption for certainand digital transition, while ensuring a level playing field. horizontal and vertical agreements. These rules are veryWe are also in the process of revising the Guidelines useful tools to facilitate the assessment of agreementson state aid for environmental protection and energy, and ensure that they comply with the competition ruleswhich include specific rules for supporting decarbonisation in force. For vertical agreements, our aim is to clarifyefforts, the Guidance on state aid rules in research, the current rules, for example to take account of newdevelopment and innovation, the Guidelines on State business models and provide further guidance on newlyaid to promote risk finance investments and, finally, emerging online restrictions. We plan to publish a draftthe Communication on important projects of common of the new rules for public consultation in mid-2021.European interest. As this long list demonstrates, As regards horizontal agreements, our evaluationthe process underway is a highly ambitious one and indicates that certain provisions could be clarified towe are very proud of the work that has already been provide more legal certainty. For example, updates areaccomplished, especially as it runs in parallel with needed and further guidance is required as regardsour casework, which continues unabated and in the information and data exchange, joint purchasingparticularly difficult circumstances of recent months. agreements or agreements promoting the green I would also like to take this opportunity to pay tribute transition. The next step will be the adoption ofto my teams in DG Competition, who have shown a Commission Staff Working Document, which will beexceptional professionalism. published in the coming months. As regards the requests for clarification of our rules, we have initiated a consultation process to ensure that the competition rules do not act asThe regulation of the major digital an obstacle to collective bargaining between self-employedplatforms is at the heart of the workers (considered as an "undertaking" under competitionEuropean Commission’s concerns. law) and their employers. What are the various initiatives and/or projects in this area? The implementation of the Digital Single Market in the European Union has been a priority of the European Commission for several years now. Together with President Von der Leyen, we have decided to give new impetus to the idea of a Digital Single Market. For example, on 15 December we presented two legislative proposals which constitute the most ambitious draft digital regulation ever undertaken TOGETHER WITH by the Commibetter protect consumers and their fundamental rightsssion. The new rules will make it possible to PRESIDENT VON DER LEYEN, online and make digital markets fairer and more open for everyone. They will also prohibit online platforms WE HAVE DECIDED TO GIVE that are ’gatekeepers’ in the market from imposing unfair conditions. NEW IMPETUS TO THE IDEA OF A DIGITAL SINGLE MARKET. TROPER LAUNNA 0202 – erutuf evitisop erom a gniretsoF