77% 75 OF RETAILER’S OWN-BRAND PRODUCT REFERENCES ARE PRODUCED BY SMALL COMPANIES, MADE VULNERABLE BY COOPERATION AGREEMENTS • Limit their cooperation to 15% of the mar-• no longer excluding certain categoriesThe Autorité will closely monitor the impact ket volume for 12 product families includingof companies (SME/VSE) from the scopeof these agreements and retains the right to in particular potatoes, flours, sugar, syrups,of calls for tender to produce the parties’inspect them ex post, in the context of the canned meats, vegetables or fish, etc.;own-brand products. This means that no"competitive assessment" provided for in • Continue to cooperate on categories ofsupplier will be excluded from the scope ofthe Egalim Law, which now allows for long- retailers’ own-brand label products wherethe alliance from the outset. The retailersterm monitoring. there is no particularupstream sensitivityremain free to cooperate on all other cate- (coffee, chicory, water, pepper, salt, dry andgories of products. Decision 20-D-13 of 22 October 2020 tinned dog food, etc.) Decision 20-D-22 of 17 December 2020 The Carrefour/Tesco agreement CLOSE MONITORING The distributors concerned proposed: • excluding several groups of fruit andConsidering that they fully and effectively vegetables (citrus fruit, courgettes, kiwis,addressed the competition concerns iden- melons, grapes, peaches, nectarines, etc.)tified, the Autorité successively accepted from the scope of the agreement that arethe proposed commitments in the context bought directly from French and Europeanof both agreements and made them binding producers; for five years. • limiting joint purchases in certain pro- duct groups for 8 categories of productsThe proceedings are now closed. The inves- (cotton, blue cheese, pasta, blue-veinedtigations into the other parts of the agree- cheese, tomato preserves, etc.) to 15% ofments which concern national-brand the French own-brand product market ofproducts and international services are Carrefour; closed at this stage. ACTIVATING TRANSFORMATION