3 Competition, leveraging innovation e are going through The digital sector is the top priority. an unprecedented public What does this mean in concrete health crisis, can you tell terms? us about how the Autorité The Autorité is bringing digital issues at the forefront has adapted in this of its priorities and is continuing to adapt its strategy to regard? ensure that it is well equipped to address these issues. Like all public institutions, the Autorité had to confrontAll the services of the Autorité were already focused on this unexpected crisis, which, as it turned out, was not digital issues (and these now account for a large going away in the short-term. We were able to count on proportion of its cases), but the creation of the Digital the excellent adaptability of the staff of the Autorité, Economy Unit marks a new chapter by making it possible their sense of public service and their unfailing to develop new detection and analysis tools. commitment. I would like to thank them once again. The Digital Economy Unit will strengthen our jurisdiction Despite the unprecedented working conditions we faced, and open up new opportunities, not only in the handling we were able to sustain our activities and at the same of complex litigation cases involving operating systems time address new issues relating to the Covid-19 crisis. or online advertising, but also upstream, in our detection We also opened a desk to inform companies about the and investigation methods. For example, we will draw on legality of planned collaboration projects in this specificdata science and implement algorithmic tools to detect context, and we set up a Task Force to ensure that anomalies in public tenders. We work in close collaboration no company can abuse its market power or make with national and international regulators in order to agreements with other companies to the detriment share best practices. In this regard, I am delighted by of consumers and the community. the first realisation accomplished in collaboration with Having been notified of an issue in the French Caribbean PEReN (the Government’s Digital Regulation Expertise concerning the conditions in which hospitals were being Cluster), an algorithm to track changes in the rules supplied with ventilators, we were able to intervene on platforms. This is a particularly useful tool when promptly to ensure that practices in question were we consider that platforms change their rules on a brought into compliance. We have received a lot of alerts,regular basis, which can lead to issues of following-up and 60 leads are currently being investgte. and readability (see the relevant issues in our Google Ads/Gibmedia decision from 2019). Recent months have also been marked by major digital cases, such as our decisions on interim measures in relation to related rights, or concerning Apple’s iOS14, or our FinTech study. INTERVIEW