53 RELATED RIGHTS: GOOGLE / PRESS PUBLISHERS AND AGENCIES The Autorité orders Google to negotiate in good faith The decision of the Autorité in April 2020 to require Google to negotiate paved the way for the implementation of the European mechanism on related rights for press publishers. THE REQUEST FOR services (Google Search, Google News anddes éditeurs de la presse magazine, Alliance REMUNERATION FROM PRESS Discover), unless publishers gave permis-de la presse d’information générale) as well PUBLISHERS AND THE AFP sion for free. as Agence France-Presse (AFP) referred the matter to the Autorité in November 2019. The Law of 24 July 2019, which transposesThe vast majority of press publishers had into French law the directive on copyrightgranted Google licences for the use andIn parallel to their complaint on the merits of and related rights of 17 April 2019, has pro-display of their protected content, withoutthe case, they asked for interim measures vided for the principle of a right as remune-any negotiation and without receiving anyto be taken to order Google to enter into ration for press publishers for the displayremuneration from Google. In the contextnegotiations in good faith for the remune- of their content on platforms. of Google’s new display policy, the licencesration of the transfer of their content. granted gave Google the opportunity to dis- On the eve of the Law going into effect, Goo-play more content than before. … gle had unilaterally decided that it would no longer post article excerpts, photographs,Under these conditions, several unions infographics and videos within its variousrepresenting press publishers (Syndicat ACTIVATING TRANSFORMATION