73 MERGERS OF PURCHASING OFFICES Downsized agreements to preserve suppliers The Autorité issued its first two decisions on joint purchasing agreements in the mass retail distribution sector since the adoption of the Egalim Law. The cooperation agreements examined (Casino/Auchan/Metro/Schiever on the one hand, and Carrefour/Tesco on the other) were likely to have a negative impact on both the upstream supply market and the downstream retail market. For this reason, they were made conditional on commitments leading in particular to a reduction in the scope of joint purchasing. A SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENT The Carrefour/Tesco agreement, like that R OF JOINT PURCHASE signed between Auchan/Casino/Metro/ AGREEMENTS Shiever, covers own-brand labels. Under COMPLIANCE: these agreements, the companies organise ADVICE TO In recent years, particularly in France, thecalls for tenders for the joint production of UNDERTAKINGS mass-market retailers have concludedown-brand label products via a dedicated By accepting these numerous purchasing agreements in orderjoint venture. commitments, to obtain better commercial conditions from the Autorité ensures that such agreements suppliers. Depending on the case, these do not affect the ability agreements may pertain to: THE NEW MEANS OF of suppliers to invest • joint purchasing of manufacturers’ brands;INTERVENTION ENTRUSTED and offer innovative • the joint provision of international servicesTO THE AUTORITÉ BY THE products and, furthermore, to maintain a sufficiently for the benefit of suppliers; EGALIM LAW diversified offer of retailer’s • joint purchasing of retailer’s own-brand; own-brand products for In 2018, the alliances were reorganised, withIn accordance with the provisions of the consumers. three new purchase agreements signed res-Law of 6 August 2015 for Growth, Activity pectively between: and Equal Economic Opportunities (Macron • Auchan, Casino, Metro and Schiever createLaw), these agreements were communi- their jot pcsing office, called "Horizon";cated to the Autorité, prior to their entry • Carrefour and Tesco (leading retailer ininto force. the UK); • Carrefour and Système U. … T ACTIVATING TRANSFORMATION I N S H O