60 D THE CONTEMPORARY MUSIC SECTOR An opinion on the phenomenon of concentration The music industry is undergoing profound transformations: a diversification of the activities of companies, the arrival of integrated international operators and digital platforms, in a context of a public health crisis that has especially affected the live performance sector. Upon referral by the Cultural affairs and Education Committee of the French National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) to examine the risk of the emergence of dominant positions, with the consequent potential damage to cultural diversity, the Autorité issued an opinion in which it highlighted the intervention tools at its disposal to preserve the competitive efficiency of the sector. THE TRANSFORMATIONAL direct access to production, distribution concert hall in Paris and runs a ticketing TRENDS IN THE MUSIC and promotion facilities, via social networksbusiness via See Tickets (formerly Digi- INDUSTRY for example. tick). This strategy can also be observed at Warner Music, which develops touring Two decades of upheaval The diversification strategies activities (production, organisation and The music industry has undergone major implemented by certain actors promotion of concerts) through its com- transformations over the past 20 years, Given these novel circumstances, the ope- pany Décibels Productions. Similarly, Sony in particular as a result of the digital revo-rators have been obliged to look for driversMusic produces shows and tours through lution. of growth. Record labels in particular haveits subsidiary Arachnée Productions and On the one hand, the Autorité has identifiedstarted to expand their business activities,organises the We Love Green festival in a change in the ways and means of liste- especially in the field of live entertainment,Paris through its stake in the organising ning to recorded music. Subjected to the by acquiring or launching companies dedi- company WLG. "crisis in the record industry", the recordedcated to the production of shows, the orga- music sector in France saw its turnover fallnisation of festivals, and the operation ofThis vertical integration strategy concerns by half between 2000 and 2010, going from venues and ticket offices. both independent labels, such as Wagram nearly €1 billion to €554 million. Neverthe- Music and Because, and venue operators, less, since 2015, the sector has been expe-These vertical integration strategies have such as the Fimalac group (which operates riencing a growth phase again, thanks in allowed certain actors to be present simul-the Salle Pleyel and venues such as the particular to the emergence of digitally taneously throughout the value chain of theZenith and Arenas), which have launched recorded music. sector. For example, the Vivendi group, into the production of shows or are deve- On the other hand, the development of digi-which owns the company Universal Music, loping other business areas such as ticket tal techniques and services has prompted aproduces shows and festivals (Brive festi- reservations, management of the artist’s change in the relationship between record val, Les Déferlantes, Garorock) via Olym- work, and the use of an artist’s image to companies and artists, allowing the latterpia Production, operates the L’Olympia promote products or brands. I G I T A L •DIGITAL•DIGTROPER LAUNNA 0202 – erutuf evitisop erom a gniretsoF ITAL •