45 THROUGH A WIDE RANGE OF DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES, THE AUTORITÉ ENCOURAGES AND ENLIGHTENS THE ECONOMIC ACTORS IN ORDER TO HELP THEM COMMIT TO A STRATEGY TO PREVENT AND MANAGE COMPETITION-RELATED RISKS. AN ONLINE SECTION DEDICATED TO COMPLIANCE In order to help the economic actors who wish to take control of their compe- tition-related future and control competi- tive risks by implementing a compliance programme, the Autorité has launched aA STUDY TO PROVIDE dedicated section on its website explai-INFORMATION TO ning the rules and risks involved. ToolsPROFESSIONAL BODIES are made available (list of essential elements for building an effective pro-The way of working of professional bodies gramme, etc.) as well as resources pro-may be conducive to anticompetitive duced by the Autorité (general resourcespractices, such as price fixing, exchange or specifically adapted to certain opera-of information or concerted actions to tors) and the various statements madehinder the development of competition. by the President and Vice-Presidents onVarious sanction decisions have shown the subject. The aim of this dedicated sec-that trade unions and professional bodies tion is to explain how making the choice tocan be catalysts or facilitators of prohi- be in compliance with competition rulesbited practices, whether they support can be a winning investment. or instigate them. This risk is structu- ral to the extent that these bodies bringStudy on professional bodies and the Compliance Section of the website of thetogether the actors in a market, who areaccompanying vade-mecum is available Autorité de la concurrence. in competition with each other. on our website (bilingual version FR/EN) … REINVENTING OUR MEANS OF ACTION