40 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND COMPETITION DOSSIER A major and strategic concern Sustainable development is one of the main challenges of the world of tomorrow and competition can be instrumental in addressing environmental challenges. Mindful of the need to make a contribution, the Autorité de la concurrence has made the environment a priority in its work. There is significant mobilisation and cooperation on this issue, both at international and European levels. The Autorité has therefore decided to target the most harmful anticompetitive practices in this area and to provide guidance to companies that wish to benefit from it. The latest on the rise of a "green" competition policy. A GENERAL MOBILISATION Confronted with the climate emergency, but also in a post-crisis world that will require innovation while meeting the challenges of sustainability and resi- lience, profound transformations of eco- nomic activities must be anticipated, with wide-ranging social and societal ramifications. Regulators, including com- petition regulators, need to support the actors that are committed to sustainable development and in particular the fight against global warming. The Autorité is resolutely committed in this regard, and actively participates in discussions at international, European and national levels.